世紀末の研究報告:The research report of the end of the century
日本政府は 月の探査用の衛星の打ち上げを西暦1999年の秋以降に延期したと発表しました。  正確なロケット打ち上げの月日は 未定とのことです。
延期の理由は 探査用の機械の不都合に依るとのことです。
これで,日本国の月の探査の試みは 永遠に無くなりました。
理由がどの様であれ探査を延期したのは 良いことです。
自称「神様」の住む神殿に踏み込んで調査しょうなんて不遜な行為は 許されません。
如何なる関連の方達かは 分かりませんが幾らかの方が訪問いただきました。
私は 「そう−−−分かった。」です。
地球の主な国々の最高指導部の方達は アメリカ合衆国の最高指導部からアポロ計画に依る「月人達の存在」の情報を得ています。
そして,彼らの存在の意味が分からなくても何らかの戦いが発生する事は 承知しているようです。
来年になれば隠す行為は 困難になります。
皆さんは 楽しみにして待っていてください。
【一般ニュ−ス】 【General purpose News】
The Japanese Government announced that the launch of the satellite for the investigation of the moon was postponed after autumn of 1999 A.D. It is said that is undecided in the time of the accurate rocket launch.
The reason of the postponement is the thing of the machine for the investigation a thing.
The trial of the lunar investigation of the Japanese country was stopped in this in the eternity.
As for the reason of the postponement, it is good to postpone the investigation that it should be which state.
An impolite act that it steps into the shrine of the self-description "God" which it lives in and to investigate isn't permitted by.
It is redundancy.
Recently, a visit to my Homepage was guided to the direction of the United States of America.
Though it didn't know, some made it visit whether it was any related more.
After that, it was made to visit it from the one related to the Japanese Government as well.
It tried to examine which section of the Japanese Government it was. But, it couldn't be confirmed.
The postponement of the plan of the moon investigation was announced after several days.
I am "It found out --- so."
The department of the main countries in the earth which instruct it most gets information on the "existence of the moon people" by the moon investigation from the department in the United States of America which instructs it most.
Then, it seems to know that some battles occur even if it doesn't know the meaning of their existence.
Only, it is being made strongly secret to avoid confusion to the general citizen.
An act to hide for the next year if to come becomes a difficulty.
Everyone is to make it a pleasure, and be waiting for him.
It may become a little noisy.
NASAは 日本時間7日「ルナ−・プロスペクタ−」を打ち上げた。  アポロ計画から25年ぶりとのことである。  月面全体を走査観測して月の氷の存在を確認するそうです。  最後に 控えめに月面の元素組成をガンマ線分光計で調査するとのことです。
皆さん! 活用は良いのですが,こんな事を考えていると大変ですよ! 正気の沙汰では有りません。
神「堕落天使サタン」と神の子「キリストやマホメット達」の生活している「月の神殿」を材料にして基地を建設したいと計画しているのです。  彼らは かんかんに怒るよ!
アメリカの原始力航空母艦に彼の偉大な蠅が飛んできて,この母艦は 鉄もチタンも石油も沢山存在する。  「これを使って基地を製作しょう等」と発言したらアメリカ国民は 怒りませんか?
  地球に居る月人さん 私は 知りません。  関係していません!
NASA shot up Japan time seven days "moon probe". the Apollo It is an act after 25 years from space program. The whole of the surface of the moon is scanned, and observed, and it is said that the existence of the lunar ice is confirmed. It is to investigate the element formation of the surface of the moon with the gamma ray optical meter in the copy at the end.
It is said that I want to make use of it as the construction material of the surface of the moon base and the fuel source.
It is difficult when it thinks that it will be made use of as the resources! It is not here with the sense.
It is planned when it is made material the "lunar shrine" which God's "degenerate angel Satan" and God's child "Christ and Mohammeds" lives in and it wants to build a base. They extremely get angry at! Everyone of the moon person who is in the earth! I am not involved in this plan!
For example
His great fly flies to the primitive American power aircraft carrier, and much both iron and titanium, petroleum exist in this depot ship. Don't the American people get angry if they make remarks with "An aircraft carrier is made material, and a base is made."?
Do when it is made only observation!
先日,不思議な発表がアメリカで有りました。  それは 「月の極地に水が発見されたので月の詳細地図を作成と兼ねて観測衛星を打ち上げる」の内容でした。
皆さんは 不思議に思わないかも知れませんが,私にとっては 理解不可能な発表なのです。
月の観測管理が,NASAからアメリカ軍部に移管されているのです。 何時まにか,この観測が科学観測から軍事観測に変化しているのです。 前にも月に水が観測されたとアメリカ軍部から発表されているのです。
何故,月の観測が科学観測から軍事観測に変えなければならなかったのでしょう。 それも,今頃に詳細な月の地図を製作する為に,アポロ計画の時着陸地点を決定する為に詳細な地図は 作成したはずです。  それとも,月が10年程度で問題となる程変化したとでも説明するのでしょうか?
もし,次の様に彼らが考えているのなら,私は 納得するのですが。
特別のアメリカ軍部の方達は 月人達と戦争する計画でいる。  そして,月が基地か旗艦と認識している。
この様に結論すると,隠してはいるが準備の為の軍事観測と認識しても納得出来るのです。  そして,映画「インデペンデンス・デイ」と同じ様な作戦を考えている。
この行為を否定しません。  みすみす殺されるのは 嫌ですからね。  叶わぬまでも抵抗をする事は 当然です。
同様の作戦は 太古イカルス空軍も実施しましたが,効果が有りませんでした。  彼らは 太陽系に来る前にも宇宙の人類より遙かに科学進化した文明と生命達を滅亡させ破壊しているのです。  殺しの達人の集まりです。 増して,特別のアメリカ軍部の方のメンバ−となりその計画を演出している現状では 問題だらけです。  まず,紛れ込んでより良い虐殺戦争を演出している月人を排除される事をお奨めします。
The other day, there was a strange announcement in America. They were the contents of "Because water was discovered in the lunar pole, a lunar details map is included with the preparation, and an observation satellite is shot up."
Though everyone may not think in the wonder, it is the announcement that understanding is impossible for me.
Lunar control of observation is transferred to the American military authorities from NASA. This observation changes from science observation at the time of what time for the military observation. It is announced in the front as well by American military authorities that water was observed in the moon.
Lunar observation had to change it from science observation to the military observation why. It shoots up a military observation satellite so that it may become this time and a detailed lunar map may be made, too. the Apollo The detailed map to decide a landing point at the time of space program must have made. Or, do you explain that it changed as much as the moon becomes a problem at about 10 years?
I understand if they are thinking as follows.
There are special American military authorities with the plan of waging war against the moon people. Then, the moon is aware with the base or a fiagship.
It can be understood even if it is recognized with the military observation for the preparation though it is hidden when a conclusion is done in this state. Then, it is thinking about the operations which are the same as the movie "Independence day".
This act isn't denied. Without doing what, too, it is killed, because it dislikes. Until it isn't satisfied, is natural as for doing resistance.
If I can advise it.
The same operations weren't effective though a ancient times Ikaros air force enforced them, too. Before coming to the solar system, it is made the civilization that science evolved than universal mankind, and life to be ruined, and they destroy it. It is gathering of the master of the killing. It becomes a member in special American military authorities to increase, and it is full of problems under the present condition when the plan is produced. First, having the moon person who produces the better slaughter war that it is lost excluded is suggested.
日本国沖縄県名護市でアメリカ空軍の基地移転に関連する選挙が有りました。  そして「No」の意思表示をしました。
日本国政府,沖縄県庁,名護市は それぞれの立場で板挟みに合い苦しい日々を送る事になりました。
そうすれば,全ての基地問題は 消滅してしまいます。 もう少し待てば良いのです。  当然,基地周辺の住人達は 全滅していますから日々静かになり,皮肉な平和が訪れるのです。  真の平和とは 兵器の無い世界にしか無い事実を生存していた人々は思い知るでしょう。  そして,平和を渇望する様になるでしょう。
There was an election which related to the base move of the American air force in Japanese country Okinawa Prefecture Nago City.  Then, the declaration of intention of "NO." was done.
Japanese administration Prefecture, Okinawa prefectural office, Nago City agreed, and it decided that it spent hard days to put a board with each position.
But, the navy of the countries in the world to be developed in the Japanese country, the world of America and America in everyone, rear two years and under time and an air force almost become extinct.
If it does so, all base problems extinguish.  You have only to wait a little more.  Of course, because destroys inhabitants around the base completely, becomes quiet, and irony な peace comes as for the everyday life.  As for the peace of sincerity, the people who existed will realize the fact which is only in the world which a weapon is not in.
地球温暖化防止の国際会議が 先日京都で開催されました。  皆さんワイワイ頑張って4-8%炭酸ガス発生の低減目標を発表しました。 西暦2000年を目途に各国努力するそうです。  ですけどね! 私は そんなに頑張らなくても炭酸ガス発生0%は 確実に達成出来ると考えているのです。  何せ 発生源で有る皆さんが居なくなるわけですですから,100%達成です。
The other day, the international conference of prevention of the earth warming was held in Kyoto. s gathered, and everyone did everyone best, and announced a goal for a decrease of the carbon dioxide occurrence 4-8%. It is said that each country works with the aim of 2000 A.D.
I think of. Even if I don't work with like that, it thinks that 0% of the carbon dioxide occurrences can be attained securely. Anyway, therefore everyone of the occurrence source disappears 100% achievement.


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